
Find it before it finds you…

Anomaly landade nyligen i Brädspelshyllan. Det utspelar sig på en rymdstation för forskning och utveckling där något har gått väldigt väldigt fel. Efter en serie olyckor har rymdstationen utrymts, men tre studenter glömdes kvar.

De tre studenterna måste nu kämpa för sina liv i hopp om att lista ut vad som jagar dem och hur det kan besegras. Dessutom måste de undvika den radioaktiva strålningen som läcker från stationens reaktor.


En spelare antar rollen som “the Anomaly”, dvs. någon sorts okänd varelse, vars mål är att hitta studenterna och äta deras livskraft. De andra spelarna gestaltar studenterna som måste lokalisera varelsen och förgöra den innan de dör av strålningen som sprider sig i stationen.

Spelet använder “gömd förflyttning” för alla spelare vilket innebär att ingen vet exakt var de andra är. Detta skapar en spänning och stress som påminner om den första Alien-filmen (spelet har dock inget med filmen att göra i övrigt).

Från tillverkaren:

Left for dead, three young students fight for their lives against an unknown entity. The creature, if that is what it is, seems to learn and evolve to counter their every move. They must hunt it down and destroy it, before it finds them first.

Anomaly is a hidden movement, deduction, and combat game for 2-4 players. Players in this game are divided into 2 teams. One player is the Anomaly, while the other players are the Students. The goal of each team is to eliminate the other by depleting their health pool. Students share a collective health pool. All students and the Anomaly execute their movement behind a player screen, so it’s rare to know exactly where another player is. Students will try to signal their location to the other students using location hint cards, and the Anomaly in turn will use these cards to triangulate the students’ positions.

The Anomaly needs to feed to stay alive, either on fuel or the students themselves. The students will be working to destroy the Anomaly’s fuel sources, and to damage it with improvised weapons like traps and stun batons. The students have cards with abilities on them that let them attack or take other actions. However, when they use one of these actions, they must give the card to the Anomaly. The cards have inverse abilities for the Anomaly that will give it new powers, like Possess or Teleport. If the Anomaly gets enough cards, it will also be able to evolve and develop even more powerful abilities. The game ends when the health pool for either the Anomaly or the students is depleted.

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